Gatekeepers: The Ultimate Guide to Successfully Getting Through

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What is a Gatekeeper, Anyway?

If you’re a B2B sales professional, you’ve probably run into a “gatekeeper” in your sales approach. Gatekeepers are the folks responsible for filtering and controlling access to decision-makers within companies. In this definitive guide, we’ll explore effective strategies for getting past gatekeepers and achieving your sales goals.

Throughout this article, we’ll cover different techniques and tips that will help you dodge gatekeepers and reach the right people to close deals. Let’s dive into these efficient strategies and learn how you can overcome this challenge and expand your B2B sales opportunities.

Gatekeepers: The Definitive Guide to Getting Past the Guardians in B2B Sales

How to get past the gatekeeper

Gatekeepers are professionals responsible for controlling access to decision-makers in companies. They are the guardians who try to filter out unwanted calls and emails to protect their superiors from unwanted salespeople.

**It’s crucial to know how to deal with these gatekeepers** to succeed in B2B sales. Here are some important tips:

1. **Be polite and friendly:** Treat gatekeepers with respect and courtesy. They’re people you need to build a relationship with, so treat them as allies and not obstacles.

2. **Be clear and concise:** When contacting a gatekeeper, be clear about the reason for your call or email. Avoid beating around the bush and get straight to the point.

3. **Do your research:** Knowing the company where the gatekeeper works can help you establish a connection and demonstrate that you’re a well-informed professional.

4. **Build relationships:** Try to establish a relationship of trust with gatekeepers. If they feel you’re someone trustworthy and can add value, they’ll be more likely to give you access to decision-makers.

5. **Use authority triggers:** If you have any achievements or recognition that can generate credibility, mention them to the gatekeeper. This can help you gain their trust and move on to the next stage of the sales process.

6. **Be persistent:** It won’t always be easy to get past gatekeepers, but persistence is crucial. Keep trying and look for creative ways to connect with decision-makers.

7. **Don’t over-explain:** It won’t always be easy to get past gatekeepers, but persistence is crucial. Keep trying and look for creative ways to connect with decision-makers.

8. **Speak with confidence and familiarity:** It won’t always be easy to get past gatekeepers, but persistence is crucial. Keep trying and look for creative ways to connect with decision-makers.

Remember that every company and every gatekeeper is different, so it’s important to adapt these tips to your reality. With patience, strategy, and focus, it’s possible to get past gatekeepers and achieve success in B2B sales.

1. Understanding the Role of Gatekeepers

Before we begin, it’s crucial to understand the role of gatekeepers in organizations. They act as a filter for decision-makers, protecting them from unwanted approaches and saving their valuable time. Gatekeepers can be administrative assistants, secretaries, coordinators, or anyone else designated for this role.

While the goal of gatekeepers is to protect decision-makers, we can use them to our advantage by establishing a positive and collaborative relationship with them. Next, we’ll present some strategies to overcome this obstacle and open doors for your B2B sales.

2. Prior Research Is Crucial

Before contacting a company, it’s essential to conduct thorough research on the organization and its hierarchical structure. Identify the name of the specific decision-maker you want to contact and look for relevant information about them. The more you know, the better prepared you’ll be to deal with gatekeepers.

3. Establishing a Relationship with Gatekeepers

When contacting a gatekeeper, approach them with respect and courtesy. Acknowledge their importance and value the work they do in the organization. Show that you’re interested in understanding the company’s needs and how you can help them solve problems.

4. Using References and Referrals

A great way to get past gatekeepers is through references and referrals. If you know someone within the company or have a common contact with the desired decision-maker, use that to your advantage. People tend to trust recommendations from other people more than cold approaches.

5. Building an Effective Communication Strategy

When communicating with gatekeepers, it’s crucial to adapt and personalize your approach. Use clear and concise language, avoiding complicated technical jargon. Convey the value of what you’re offering in a succinct and convincing way. Keep the focus on the benefits your solution will bring to the company.

6. Using Different Communication Channels

Gatekeepers have different preferences when it comes to communication channels. Some prefer emails, others respond better to phone calls, or even instant messages. Research the gatekeeper’s preferred channel and adapt your contact strategy to it.

7. Be Persistent, But Not Inconvenient

Finding the balance between being persistent and not being inconvenient is essential. Remember that gatekeepers have many responsibilities on their hands and may not have immediate time to attend to you. Keep pushing forward, but with respect for the limits set by the gatekeeper.

8. Leverage Technology to Your Advantage

Nowadays, we have a wide variety of technological tools at our disposal that can help us overcome gatekeepers. Use sales automation tools, CRMs, and other solutions that can make your approach and interaction tracking easier.

9. Train Your Sales Team

To ensure an efficient approach to gatekeepers, it’s essential to train your sales team. Provide guidelines on best practices for circumventing this challenge and share real-world success stories. Sharing experiences can be valuable for refining your B2B sales strategies.

10. Stay Updated on Best Practices

Finally, always stay updated on best practices in the B2B sales industry. Learn from other professionals, attend events and conferences, and be open to experimenting with different approaches. Continuous learning is fundamental for growth and success in B2B sales.

Gatekeepers can be a significant challenge for B2B sales professionals, but with the right strategies, it’s possible to overcome them and achieve your business goals. Remember to research, establish positive relationships, adapt your communication, and leverage available technology. With perseverance and well-developed skills, you’ll be able to get past gatekeepers and reach decision-makers within target companies. Good luck!

How to Get Past the Gatekeeper? How to Get Past the Secretary?

To overcome the Gatekeeper (call filter) in the context of B2B Sales, it’s important to adopt some effective strategies. Here are some tips that may be helpful:

1. **Prepare in advance:** Before making the call, research the company and identify who the potential Gatekeeper is. This will help you provide relevant information and create a personalized approach.

2. **Be polite and friendly:** When contacting the Gatekeeper, be polite from the start of the conversation. Show genuine interest in their work and value the importance of the role they play in the company.

3. **Establish credibility:** Tell the Gatekeeper who you are, your position in the company, and why you’re contacting them. Show that you’re a serious and trustworthy professional.

4. **Use persuasion techniques:** Be persuasive when explaining why your product or service could be beneficial to the company. Highlight your competitive advantages and the results your clients have already achieved with your solution.

5. **Address objections:** The Gatekeeper may use various objections to block your way. Be prepared to address these objections with strong arguments and examples of success stories.

6. **Ask for help:** In some cases, the Gatekeeper can become an ally. Ask for their opinion or suggestions on the best way to approach the decision-maker within the company.

7. **Use other forms of contact:** If you notice that you’re having trouble getting past the Gatekeeper and contacting the desired person directly, try other approaches, such as sending emails or using professional social media.

Always remember that respect, honesty, and empathy are fundamental when dealing with the Gatekeeper or anyone else during the B2B sales process.

How Does the Gatekeeper Work?


The Gatekeeper is an important figure in the context of B2B sales. This is someone responsible for filtering and controlling access to decision-makers in a company. Their goal is to protect the time and privacy of decision-makers, preventing unwanted salespeople from contacting them directly.

**The Gatekeeper’s functions include:**

1. **Receiving calls and filtering contacts:** When a salesperson contacts a company, they are often first routed to the Gatekeeper. They evaluate whether the salesperson has a relevant offer and whether it’s worth forwarding the call to the decision-maker.

2. **Assessing relevance:** The Gatekeeper must identify whether the salesperson has an adequate value proposition and whether it’s targeted at the right decision-maker. Otherwise, they can block access and prevent the decision-maker from receiving inappropriate approaches.

3. **Scheduling meetings:** The Gatekeeper may also be responsible for scheduling meetings between salespeople and decision-makers. They have the power to manage the decision-maker’s schedule and find a suitable time for both parties.

4. **Controlling information:** The Gatekeeper has access to important information about the company, such as the names of decision-makers, organizational hierarchy, and purchasing processes. They may also be aware of the company’s current suppliers and agreements in place.

**How to Deal with the Gatekeeper?**

It’s essential to establish a good relationship with the Gatekeeper, as they can be a valuable ally in reaching decision-makers. Some tips for successfully dealing with the Gatekeeper include:

1. **Be polite and respectful:** Treat the Gatekeeper with courtesy and professionalism. Acknowledge the importance of their role and show an interest in understanding the company’s needs.

2. **Be clear and concise in your approach:** Quickly introduce yourself, explain the purpose of the call, and how it can benefit the company. Give the Gatekeeper reasons to believe that forwarding the call to the decision-maker is worthwhile.

3. **Establish a relationship of trust:** Show the Gatekeeper that you’re a trustworthy professional who can add value to the company. Be transparent about your intentions and be willing to answer any questions the Gatekeeper may have.

4. **Create a personal connection:** Try to find common ground or shared interests with the Gatekeeper. This can help create a closer relationship and facilitate access to decision-makers.

By adopting these strategies, salespeople can increase their chances of overcoming the Gatekeeper and gaining access to decision-makers in a B2B company.

What Does It Mean to Be a Gatekeeper?

In B2B sales, the term “Gatekeeper” refers to a person or department that controls access to key decision-makers in a company. The Gatekeeper is responsible for filtering and managing contact or information requests from external salespeople or suppliers.

**The Gatekeeper acts as a “gatekeeper”** and their main objective is to protect company decision-makers from unwanted or irrelevant contacts. This role is usually played by executive assistants, receptionists, or even other departments such as procurement.

**The Gatekeeper’s function** is to control direct access to decision-makers, scheduling meetings, or forwarding relevant information to those responsible for the purchasing process. They can directly influence the success or failure of a negotiation, as they are the first point of contact with the company.

**It’s crucial to establish a good relationship with the Gatekeeper** to gain access to decision-makers. This involves demonstrating respect, being transparent about the purpose of the call or meeting, and providing concise and relevant information.

**Some strategies for dealing with the Gatekeeper include:**

1. **Conducting prior research:** Understand who the Gatekeeper is and their position in the company to personalize approaches and find common ground.

2. **Showing genuine interest:** Praise the Gatekeeper’s work and acknowledge their importance in the decision-making process.

3. **Building relationships:** Maintain regular contact and cultivate a relationship of trust with the Gatekeeper.

4. **Offering value:** Provide useful and relevant information that can add value to the company.

5. **Using empathy:** Understand the Gatekeeper’s demands and limitations and adapt to them.

By mastering the art of dealing with Gatekeepers, B2B salespeople can increase their chances of reaching key decision-makers in a company and successfully closing deals.

What is a Gatekeeper in Sales?

**Gatekeeper** is a term used in the context of B2B sales to describe the person responsible for controlling access to information and decisions within a company. Typically, the gatekeeper is an executive assistant, secretary, or other person who works closely with decision-makers.

The gatekeeper’s primary objective is to filter out unwanted calls and visits, protecting decision-makers from unnecessary interruptions. They act as a barrier between the salesperson and the person with the authority to make purchasing decisions.

**To effectively deal with a gatekeeper, it’s important to follow some strategies:**

1. **Be polite and professional:** Show respect and courtesy when speaking with the gatekeeper, this will help build a good relationship from the start.

2. **Focus on benefits:** Clearly communicate the benefits your product or service can bring to the company, this will help convince the gatekeeper that it’s worth giving decision-makers access.

3. **Establish credibility:** Show your expertise in the industry and provide relevant information, this can help you gain the gatekeeper’s trust.

4. **Find alternative ways to contact:** If the gatekeeper refuses to give direct access to decision-makers, look for other ways to establish contact, such as attending industry events or sending relevant information by email.

5. **Build relationships:** By establishing a positive relationship with the gatekeeper, you can increase your chances of gaining access to decision-makers.

In short, dealing with a gatekeeper in B2B sales requires effective communication skills and intelligent strategies. By approaching them with respect and showing the value your offer brings to the company, you can increase your chances of gaining access to those responsible for purchasing decisions.

Script to Get Past the Secretary (Gatekeeper)

There are many ways to get past the secretary. In this article, we’ve already demonstrated several ways. Below, see how simple it is to use a script to get through.

Speak as if you already know the lead.

**Salesperson hunter** – Hello, who’s speaking?

**Gatekeeper** – This is Suzana.

**Salesperson hunter** – Hi Suzana, how are you? Can you put me through to Vargas? This is Fernando from Protagnst, and I was supposed to get back to him.

**Gatekeeper** – Sure, Fernando, just a moment.

Frequently Asked Questions about Gatekeepers and Getting Past the Secretary in Cold Calling

What is the Name of the Person Responsible for Making Decisions Related to the Product/Service You’re Offering?

In a B2B sales context, the person responsible for making decisions about the product/service offered is usually the **decision-maker**. This person has the authority and power to decide whether or not the company will acquire the product/service. It’s important to identify and direct sales efforts to reach and persuade the decision-maker, as they directly influence the final decision.

What’s the Best Time to Reach Out to [Decision-maker’s Name]?

Use interactions with the gatekeeper to seek relevant information. Learn how to take advantage of these conversations to take notes on strategic information that will help you talk directly to the decision-maker.

Are There Others Involved in Purchasing Decisions Besides You?

In most cases, yes. In the B2B sales environment, it’s common for several people to be involved in the decision-making process. This is because purchases are usually more complex and of higher value.

Some of the key stakeholders involved in purchasing decisions may include:

1. **Influencers:** These are people within the organization who have some influence over the final purchase decision. They could be technical experts, department managers, or external consultants.

2. **Decision-makers:** These are the people with the final authority to make the purchase decision. They are usually high-level executives such as directors or general managers. They have the final responsibility for approving the investment and ensuring it aligns with the company’s strategic objectives.

3. **Users:** These are the employees of the organization who will actually use the product or service being purchased. Their opinion and feedback are taken into consideration during the decision-making process.

4. **Purchasing committee:** Some companies may have a purchasing committee that reviews and approves all acquisitions. This committee is usually made up of representatives from different departments and is responsible for ensuring that all purchase decisions are aligned with the company’s overall objectives.


It’s important to understand who the stakeholders are involved in the B2B purchase decision-making process, as this will help you adapt your sales approach and provide relevant information to each one of them.

Have You Had Any Experience with Companies Similar to Ours?

Yes, I’ve had experience with companies similar to yours in the context of **B2B Sales**. I’ve been working with several companies in the sector for years, providing content related to sales strategies, negotiation techniques, sales team development, among other topics relevant to the B2B market. Through this, I’ve gained a good understanding of the challenges and trends of this segment, which allows me to create relevant and targeted content for companies like yours. I’m familiar with the nuances of B2B sales, such as the importance of relationships and building long-term partnerships, the need to deeply understand customer needs, and the complexity of the decision-making process. Therefore, I’m confident that I can meet your expectations and contribute to the success of your company in the B2B market.

Are There Any Specific Challenges Your Company Is Facing Currently That You Believe Our Product/Service Could Help Solve?

Hello! A specific challenge that our company faces currently is the lack of an effective strategy for generating qualified leads. **We believe that your product/service can help us solve this problem by offering an innovative solution to identify and attract highly qualified leads.** We’re looking for a way to optimize our lead generation process, improving the quality and conversion rate of leads into customers. With your expertise and advanced tools, we believe we can achieve better results in our B2B sales approach. We’re interested in exploring how your solution can integrate with our existing workflow and add value to our sales strategy. We’d like to discuss more details about its features and how it can meet our specific needs. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with your company to boost our success in B2B sales.

What is Your Deadline for Making a Decision Regarding Our Proposal?

The deadline for us to make a decision regarding your proposal is very important. I’d like to point out that we’re carefully analyzing all the aspects involved. Our goal is to ensure that this is a strategic decision aligned with our business objectives. Therefore, I ask that **you give us a deadline of up to X days** so that we can conduct a thorough analysis and make an informed decision. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to your patience during this process.

Is There Any Internal Process We Need to Follow to Move Forward with This Negotiation?

**Yes, there is an internal process we need to follow to move forward with this negotiation.**

In a B2B sale, it’s essential to have a structured process to ensure that all steps are met efficiently and that the negotiation develops in the best way possible. Here are some steps that are typically followed in a B2B sales process:

1. **Prospecting:** In this step, we identify potential customers who meet pre-defined criteria. We can use various strategies such as online research, referrals, or participation in events to find potential buyers.

2. **Qualification:** Once leads have been identified, it’s important to qualify them to determine if they have the potential to become customers. This can be done through strategic questions to understand their needs, budget, decision-making authority, and deadlines.

3. **Presentation:** After qualification, it’s time to present our solution to the potential customer. This presentation should be personalized and focused on the customer’s specific needs and challenges.

4. **Negotiation:** During this step, we discuss details such as pricing, deadlines, payment terms, and other contractual aspects. It’s crucial to maintain clear and transparent communication during this phase, always seeking to reach a mutually beneficial agreement for both parties.

5. **Closing:** When all terms of the negotiation are agreed upon and both parties are satisfied, it’s time to close the deal. This may involve signing contracts, making initial payments, or any other necessary formality.

6. **Follow-up:** Even after closing the sale, it’s important to stay in contact with the customer to ensure their ongoing satisfaction and identify future business opportunities.

It’s important to note that these steps may vary depending on the industry, the product or service offered, and the internal policies of each company. Therefore, it’s crucial to adapt the sales process to the reality and needs of your organization.

How Can I Help Facilitate the Approval Process Within Your Organization?

**How Can I Help Facilitate the Approval Process Within Your Organization?**

There are some practices that can help facilitate the approval process in B2B sales. Here are a few suggestions:

1. **Understand the buyer’s needs:** Before starting any negotiation, it’s crucial to understand the buyer’s needs and challenges. This will allow you to adapt your approach and offer relevant solutions.

2. **Provide detailed information:** When presenting a proposal or offer, be sure to provide all the necessary information clearly and in detail. This includes technical specifications, benefits, deadlines, commercial terms, among others.

3. **Demonstrate value:** It’s important to demonstrate the value of your product or service to the customer. This can be done through case studies, testimonials from satisfied customers, live demonstrations, among other resources that show how your solution can solve the buyer’s problems.

4. **Establish a relationship of trust:** Building a relationship of trust with the buyer is essential to facilitating the approval process. Maintain open and transparent communication, always be available to answer the customer’s questions and concerns, and meet agreed deadlines.

5. **Facilitate decision-making:** Simplify the approval process for the buyer. Provide all necessary information and documentation in an easy-to-understand and access format. Also, offer support throughout the process, be present to provide additional clarification and help resolve issues.

By following these practices, you can help facilitate the approval process within your organization and increase your chances of closing successful deals.

Who Else in Your Company Needs to Be Involved in the Discussion Before We Make a Final Decision?

In the area of B2B sales, it’s important to consider various stakeholders before making a final decision. In addition to the sales team, other departments within the company should also be involved in the discussion.

**The marketing team** plays a key role as they have access to market data and can help identify opportunities and understand customer needs. They can also support lead generation strategies and the promotion of the company’s products or services.

**The finance department** is also crucial, as they can analyze the financial impact of the decision, calculate the return on investment, and assess the risks involved. They can provide valuable insights into pricing, profit margin, and the economic feasibility of commercial proposals.

**The operations team** can contribute information about the company’s production capacity, delivery deadlines, and logistics. They can indicate whether the company has the capacity to meet the customer’s demand and whether there is the possibility of customizing or adapting the product to the customer’s specific needs.

Other sectors that may be involved are **legal**, which helps in analyzing contracts and legal issues, and **senior management**, which can evaluate the overall business strategy and provide direction for decision-making.

It’s important to note that the inclusion of these stakeholders may vary depending on the complexity of the sale and the company’s internal policies. The main objective is to ensure a well-founded decision, considering different perspectives and minimizing risks.

Would You Like to Schedule a Meeting to Learn How to Get Past the Gatekeeper?

We can schedule a meeting to discuss more details about B2B sales. **I’m eager to learn more about your needs and how I can help boost your B2B sales.** Fill out the form and see you soon.

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