Sales Machine: Definitive Guide to Structuring Your Sales Machine

Attracting customers in a continuous flow is essential for a company to remain in the market, but growing a business’s sales is not a simple task. If you want to leverage your sales, maybe it’s time to learn what a sales machine is. The growth of a company depends on the joint work of different areas, such as marketing, sales, production and supply. Even more occasional factors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to adopt a home office, for example, end up interfering. All of this affects your business’s relationship with the market and customers. Therefore, having a sales machine is essential to maintain the stability of your business. This concept was created to help your company grow and stay in the market. So, if this is your goal as an entrepreneur, read on! What is a vending machine? Sales machine is the expression used to explain the process of structuring a scalable sales model. That is, this concept designates optimized actions and processes designed to support a constant volume of newleads in your company. A sales machine must always be scalable and deliver solutions that really make sense for the customer. In other words, it’s like a roadmap of steps your company should take to increase lead capture and retention. The term was invented by Aaron Ross, in the publication of the book“Predictable Revenue”, and comes from English Sales Machine. In the book, the author tells how he created a sales machine that earned more than 100 million dollars for the pioneering company of the strategy, Salesforce. What Aaron did was to structure a lead generation growth process, continuously generating opportunities. This is what defines an effective sales machine today. The vending machine is: Scalable; Profitable; Predictable. Scalable, as its objective is to increase the number of customers. Profitable, because the objective of every company is the profit. It’s predictable because it’s essential that your company’s projected future matches what’s happening in the present. After all, you can’t imagine that your future will be billions if your company’s revenue hasn’t even reached the hundreds of thousands. In that case, keeping your foot on the ground about your company’s growth is essential. It is also essential that the vending machine is profitable. That is, your customers need to give a return greater than what was spent to acquire them (ROI). This means that if you have a marketing campaign that costs 2,000, for example, and it only brought 2 customers, the cost of each customer was 1,000 reais. In this case, the only thing that would pay for the campaign would be if both customers spent more than a thousand reais, which is unlikely in many scenarios. In this sense, the CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) must always be as low as possible, as this means more profit. Therefore, the sales machine is the whole process and mapping to increase your sales numbers and profit more and more. Scalability and sales machine A scalable company is a company that manages to increase its revenue without necessarily increasing its costs. In other words, it is a growing company. Every company wants to be scalable, have continuous growth and profit greater than its expenses (even if this is not always the case for all scalable companies). There are two scalability models within a business: horizontal and vertical. The horizontal scalability model has as main objective to make the company a reference in the market in general. In this way, the company seeks to maintain a varied range of customers and segments, with the objective of remaining relevant in the market as a whole. We can give as an example of a company with horizontal scalability Coca-Cola, which in addition to the soda, today is also a brand of clothing, sneakers and much more. In horizontal scalability, the company seeks growth within its specific market niche, focusing on the company’s specific products and services. It is necessary to define which type of scalability your company wants to focus on before creating the sales machine, as this model intends to standardize its entiresales strategy in line with your company’s goals. The goal of the sales machine is to keep the flow of customers continuous, just as the goal of scalability is to keep growing. By putting these two concepts together, it is possible to create a sales machine that increases your company’s ability to scale in the market and grow even more. Therefore, for those who want to increase the company’s revenue without necessarily increasing costs, creating a sales machine is paramount. How to make a vending machine? The vending machine takes its name because it is also composed of parts and gears. That is, there are several parts of a process so that the whole structure makes sense. All parts of the company need to be engaged with the sales machine: the team, the metrics, the strategies, everything. For example, there is no point in having a structured and perfect process if your employees are not trained to execute it. If the team does not understand the process, the process will not be used and therefore will be meaningless. That’s why everything has to be working properly for the sales machine to bring results. Implementing a sales machine in your company necessarily means reviewing your business’ commercial approach. That is, review the sales strategies and techniques used by your employees. So, before you decide to make a vending machine, be aware that this is a laborious strategy. However, once the sales machine is working properly, all sectors of your business will be much more in tune with each other – and the flow of customers will inevitably increase. Below, we will mention the main tips and strategies to make a sales machine for your business. We are specialists in business between companies. Get in touch and find out how we can help! Define a sales strategy Defining a commercial strategy is essential to establish the sales machine and create your company’s

What are complex sales? Completely understand the concept

Have you ever thought about the process of selling a submarine? State-of-the-art technological systems? Of aerospace components? Or, bringing it closer to reality, equipment for assembly of manufacturing plants of any kind? Right away, you realize that these are not the simplest of negotiations. And there is even a category for this type of sale: these are examples of complex sales. In this article, we’ll show you what defines complex sales and what are its main characteristics. You’ll find that they have some aspects of their own, notably their longer sales cycles than you’d see in simple sales. At the same time, complex sales bring the great advantage to the companies that work with them, the fact that they return a higher average ticket, which boosts revenue. Another very present aspect concerns the environment in which complex sales are more common: in business between companies – also called B2B complex sales. What are complex sales? Complex sales are those that require longer processes, which involve more technical issues and, consequently, go through several decision makers until they are concluded. Because of all this, in general complex sales have a more costly process, but at the same time represent a higher average ticket. Although not a rule, they apply more frequently in negotiations between companies (B2B). As the name suggests, complex sales vary greatly depending on the type of product or service being sold. More technical or more specific products or services make sales more complex than others. This is because they demand clear and very restricted understandings at both ends: both from those who sell and those who buy. As a result, it is quite common for this type of sale to require the engagement of very specific professionals, expanding the negotiation process and the number of decision makers. The seller, for example, needs to act a lot with theconsultative sales profile, evaluating the client’s pains well and formatting a business that fits perfectly to his. At the same time, it is essential that those who work with complex sales are specialists in the product they offer. After all, negotiation involves a series of doubts and technical questions that only those who are very knowledgeable about the subject will be able to answer. And a bad impression left could put the entire sales effort down. Despite taking longer and requiring a much more expensive process than simple sales, complex sales bring a great return. This is because they involve high-cost products and, as such, offer great revenue opportunities. Difference between simple sale and complex sale First of all, let’s make it clear that the expression ‘simple sale’ in our context does not carry any meaning that represents lesser importance. Far from it. It is simply a conceptual issue. That said, simple sales can either be those of everyday life, or other less commonplace ones, but with shorter processes and fewer decision makers. A simple sale aimed at the final consumer, for example, could be a traditional trip to the mall. You enter a shoe store, choose the model, ask the salesperson for help and close the purchase. When it’s abouta B2B environment, we can say that a simple sale is one whose negotiation is possible to be done directly with a single decision maker. Think, for example, of the person responsible for supplier relations. Complex selling, on the other hand, requires a longer decision process and involves more than one decision maker. Because of this, it is necessary to build a relationship of trust between the parties – something that we do not necessarily see in simple sales, which are often resolved in a matter of minutes. In addition, while in a simple sale, in general, the seller’s approach is more incisive, in complex sales, it is necessary to act mainly as a consultant. After all, in complex sales, the idea is not simply to sell or sell soon, but to format the best deal so that, in the end, the entire investment makes sense – for both ends. Features of complex sales We have seen so far that a very present aspect in complex sales is the longer period for closing a deal. However, this characteristic is just one of those that conceptualize a complex sale. Quite simply, it can be said that a complex sale is one in which all the nuances involved in a simple sale are enhanced. After all, as you will see below, the cost to acquire a new customer is greater, the journey to be faced until closing the sale is greater, the average ticket is higher and even there are more decision makers. High Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) Those who work in sales know that conquering a new client is not a simple task. It takes a lot of research, analysis, conversations and negotiations. And, even if you are an extremely prepared seller, there is no guarantee that the deal will materialize. In any case, conquering a new client is an activity that requires the integration of efforts. The marketing team needs to invest in content analysis and production, while those responsible for the pre-sales department need to prospect and qualify potential new customers. Then comes the time for the sales consultants to actually start negotiating, and only then is the deal closed. As you can see, this whole cycle demands financial investment. And all of this will have an impact on what we call Customer Acquisition Cost, or simply CAC. The CAC calculation takes into account the total amount invested by the company in all sectors and/or professionals and the total number of customers actually acquired. For example, if the company invested BRL 20,000 in marketing and sales, and during the period it acquired four new clients, the CAC would be BRL 5,000. In complex sales, the CAC is often much higher than that seen in simple sales. This is because, in general, negotiations involve few potential clients and a lot of investment in research and prospecting. Consider, for example, a

Downsell: understand what it is and see how to use the technique


High inflation and political uncertainties have made the economic scenario increasingly difficult, forcing companies to act with an extra dose of caution. Even if every manager has the ultimate goal of seeing business growth, it is necessary to be confident at every step. And that often means investing less. Less money circulating means less business, right? Wrong! You just need to know how to use the right strategies. And today we’re going to address one of them, the downsell. Downsell is a widely used sales technique that basically consists of proposing a negotiation with lower bases than initially anticipated. However, anyone who thinks that thismeans decreased profits or loss of revenue. It’s all a matter of knowing how to use donwsell efficiently. Often, offering discounts or less expensive business alternatives serves as a way to retain customers or even gain new ones. Although, at the tip of the pencil, the final numbers are smaller individually, in context they can mean the same billing. More than that, in the medium and long term, today’s donwsell may result in more advantageous agreements. For this to happen, however, it needs to be applied consciously. As we will show below, having well-trained teams, knowing the market, knowing how to listen to the customer and, just as important, identifying the correct timing to propose the donwsell, is what makes the technique yield good results. Follow with us! What is a downsell? Downsell, also called downselling, is a sales strategy that consists of offering the customer a solution whose sales value is lower than the one he had expressed at the beginning of the negotiation. The idea here is not simply to sell the same product or service cheaper; What you want is to keep the customer, even if the direct consequence for the company is a lower average ticket. A very common example concerns cable TV operators. Whether due to the popularization of streaming services, the economic crisis or the change in consumption habits, in recent years this sector has seen a sharp drop in its customer base. And how to break it? One form that has been quite common concerns the offer of service packages consistent with the new reality. If a customer calls the operator expressing interest in canceling the subscription for reasons of economy, it is very common for the company to offer a cheaper package, or else a discount for a period of time. Even if this could mean a decrease in profit for the cable TV operator, the permanence of that customer will at least generate “some” profit. And, no matter how small it is, it’s always better than having no sales at all. It is often possible that the downsell actually ends up not generating any financial advantage for the company – in this case, the sale price ends up being the cost price. But this momentary stalemate could mean customer loyalty, and profits from it could be resumed later on, when conditions prove to be more favourable. Differences between downsell, cross sell and up sell As we have seen, downsell is a sales strategy that aims to keep a customer, even with a lower financial return than he previously offered. The strategy, however, also applies to new consumers or business partners. Imagine, for example, that your marketing team has identified a new lead and its professionals pre-sales started an approximation. That potential customer showed interest and started negotiating a purchase. But at the last minute, he raised some objections and decided to pull out of the business. One way to try to secure a sale is to downsell. Even if the average ticket becomes smaller, once again the sale can be guaranteed and you will have a new customer. This strategy is exactly the opposite of two others that we have already covered here at Protagnst: up sell and cross sell. How about having the services of a consultancy specializing in B2B sales? Protagnst excels at this! Contact us and find out how we can help you! Up sell Also called up selling, this strategy aims to expand an initial sale, making it more interesting. The idea is basically to take advantage of a customer’s desire to buy to make the product or service even more advantageous for them. It is important to highlight that, in up sell, the benefit is mutual. When doing up selling, both the buyer and the seller have an advantage. This method basically consists of offering a larger quantity of the product, but with a proportionally lower price. Thus, you gain in value from the sale. Although it is fully feasible – and interesting to apply – in business between companies, this strategy is very common in the day-to-day business between companies and end consumers. Good examples of her we find every time we go to the supermarket. Just look at the shelves of products offered in different sizes. Who never thought something like “the price of two bottles of this 600ml soft drink is higher than the price of the same soft drink in a two liter bottle”? Or did you choose to buy a five-kilogram bag of rice instead of a two-kilogram one, because the sum ended up being more affordable? Realize that, at the end of the day, you spent more, but benefited proportionately. The supermarket lost proportionally, but had a higher average ticket. Also read about how to win more customers with the technique ofrole playing. Cross sell Cross sell – or cross selling – is another sales strategy that brings benefits to both ends of the business, but here using cross-negotiation. The intention of this business model is to expand the customer experience – and the average ticket – by offering products that complement each other. Once again, the gain is in proportional terms: if the products or services are purchased separately, the customer will have a higher cost than if they are purchased together. One sector that uses a lot of cross selling is travel. Try

Unique value proposition: why is it important and why have one?

What makes your business different from the competition? If you answered a unique value proposition (Unique Selling Proposition), is a sign that you are on the right path! However, having a unique sales proposition and not offering a guarantee is not enough. After all, many companies can even bet on a PUV, but not generate the expected result, that is, convince the customer that their business is better than the competitor’s. Here, then, is the great challenge for marketing and sales: winning over the customer with a good sales promise that guarantees the result of the unique value proposition. That is, if you promise to deliver much faster than the competition, then this becomes yoursUnique Selling Proposition (USP), and you must maintain this agility, because this becomes associated with the brand identity. A good example of a unique value proposition is the Head & Shoulders brand. Who does not know the brand of shampoo that promises to eliminate dandruff? Well, she brought the following phrase in the advertisement in the 60s: “Clinically proven to reduce dandruff” (Clinically proven to reduce dandruff). It’s not just a sales promise, but a guarantee that the product actually works. And that’s why, if you’ve never done or intend to improve your unique sales proposal, we invite you to continue reading and learn more about the term USP. What is a unique value proposition (Unique Selling Proposition)? A unique value proposition, also called a unique selling proposition,Unique Selling Proposition, Unique Selling Point or USP, for its acronym in English, is the term given to a product, service or any detail of the brand that helps to differentiate it from the competition. The name was created by Rosser Reeves, in the 1940s, to define the promise of sales within the advertising of products and services. According to him, the unique sales promise should bring a real benefit that no other brand has or claims to have. In this way, the target audience starts to associate the benefit with the brand and, as a consequence, even buys it. In short, the unique selling proposition should answer the following question: What sets you apart from the competition? What makes your company/product/service unique? Why is it important to have a unique sales proposition in your business? Before answering this question, we want to know: when you enter the supermarket or visit an online store, what do you consider when you find two or more products of the same type? If they’re equal in supply and price, either one will do, right? Unless one of them has a unique selling proposition. That unique value proposition could be a promise of service, not necessarily a benefit of the product’s composition: for example, the product always has free shipping, a 5-year warranty, or part of the sales goes to a charity. That is, the unique selling proposition is not always an exclusive advantage for the customer itself, but it can be a benefit to society as a whole. This also helps the brand to leverage its position in the market by not thinking of people only as customers. Therefore, having a unique sales proposal is important because you stand out in a competitive environment, bringing a differential that no one else can bring, and nullifying any comparison of prices and products. Not to mention that, without a good USP (Unique Selling Point), you don’t connect with fans because there’s nothing about your product or service that sets you apart from others to create an identity. But, before thinking about an exclusive offer, it is essential to fulfill the advertising promise, unless you want to have your sales pitch go down the drain. Having a well-defined PUV can transform your business. If today you have difficulty selling value, maybe it’s because your audience sees your brand as a commodity and will always buy for price. If you compete on price and don’t have differentials, you’ll end up losing margin and having an unprofitable company. To prevent your solution from being easily replaced by the competition, you must think and define a unique value proposition. If well defined, you stop being compared with the competition and start being compared to yourself. Do you need to improve your approach results in sales processes? Talk to Protagnst and find out the reasons to hire a company that specializes in B2B prospecting. Characteristics of a good value proposition An effective unique value proposition must be very assertive, harmonious, coherent and directed to the public that seeks the values ​​that only your brand can offer. It must be supported by four categories of value elements, according toBain & Company: social, emotional, functional and life changing impact. A company can focus only on social impact, like the Peita store, which sells t-shirts with inspiring phrases that give visibility to the female audience. It can also have a functional impact, like Airbnb, which provides cheaper accommodation. In other words, the characteristics of an effective value proposition go far beyond granting exclusivity. It is important, however, to highlight the differentials that make a person look for your company, and not the competition. See what these differentiators are then. Assertiveness and clarity “We sell the best cheesecake in town”. This is a generic phrase, without impact, since every pastry shop can sell its product as the best in town. Therefore, it is worth identifying a differentiating point of the product/service in a clear and objective way – and, of course, fulfilling the promise of value. The sentence above, therefore, could be more or less like this: “We sell the only cheese pastry, with real cheese, straight from Minas”. It is a fun and unique proposal. See that, by positioning itself as a different pastry shop, the owner manages to bring something that really adds value, leaving aside subjectivities and points that are difficult to prove. If this pastry shop had an award, which proved that it was the best pastry in the city, state or anywhere else, then the unique value

7 stages of the sales funnel: start with prospecting and end with loyalty

You’ve certainly heard of a sales funnel and know how important representation is for business. After all, it simply illustrates how a customer’s journey works, helping to develop strategies. There are numerous ways to present it, each with a more specific focus. And, in this article, we’re going to cover the 7 stages of the sales funnel, with an eye on what’s most modern in business strategy. Over the years, the sales process, the customer journey and the way marketing relates to our daily lives have changed a lot. Philip Kotler – about whom we will talk at the end of this text – is a pope on the subject and adamant: the time when the idea was to sell to the masses is gone. Businesses today need to be customizable, and the 7 stages of the sales funnel that we are going to cover are exactly about that. How are sales made today? Until recently, companies sought to sell in the same way to as many customers as possible. It happens, however, that there was a great diversification of players in the market, specific niches were created and, today, small ones are able to compete with the big ones many times under similar conditions. Thus, the way of negotiating had to evolve, and nowadays one of the most accepted strategies is what is conventionally calledconsultative sales. The term emerged about half a century ago, but it has only recently become common practice in business. The central idea behind consultative sales is to make the seller become, in fact, a business partner. When working with consultative sales, the consultant analyzes the difficulties faced by the company with which he is negotiating, and what are the alternatives to overcome them. It is only from there that he draws a sales proposal. By doing this, sellers tend to make more assertive proposals for customers. Thus, the chances of the solutions being effective are greater, the customer experience improves and the chance of doing future business also increases. Consultative sales usually bring a series of advantages, and in corporate businesses the most obvious one is the increase in the average ticket. After all, sales in B2B environments naturally tend to involve larger sums, and companies that feel secure in negotiating with others tend to spend more. It so happens that, although in consultative sales the way of acting is different from that seen as traditional in the past, many things are similar. One is that all negotiations go through stages. And do you know the stages of the sales process? 7 stages of the sales funnel In this model, the journey has seven steps. And the 7 stages of the sales process are divided in very different ways, with the intention of seeking the best leads from the beginning. Therefore, the first of the sales stages (prospecting and qualification) is of paramount importance for the smooth running of the entire journey. After all, a bad choice about who to negotiate with can mean unnecessary expenditure of resources, as well as an effective loss of time. It is clear, however, that all stages deserve the utmost attention. Knowing how to prepare a presentation that fits the potential customer, choosing the best way to approach them and presenting a proposal that fits their needs is the first part of a successful sales process. The final part, in turn, is about being as consultative as possible. That said, these are the 7 stages of the sales funnel: Prospecting and qualification; Preparation; Approach; Presentation; Dealing with objections; Closure; Follow-up and loyalty. 1. Prospecting and qualification Let’s start at the beginning. The first step in an effective sales process is prospecting. In it, you make widemarket research after potential customers – which in marketing and sales are conventionally called leads. There are several ways to do this prospecting, both through inbound marketing,how much per active search. In case of corporate business, the intention behind the prospecting process is to have a broad base of potential customers. These are companies that are in a branch of economic activity similar to yours or capable of being interested in your product or service. This initial search should be broad. Any and all companies that seem to benefit from the products or services you have to offer need to get on your radar. It happens, however, that not all of them will actually become customers. Therefore, to reduce the chance of error by investing in negotiations that have no chance of occurring – at least at that moment – ​​it is necessary to qualify the leads. A lead qualification it is the sales stage in which you analyze whether that company can, in fact, move forward in a negotiation. At that moment, you need to find out if that lead is ready, willing and, above all, able to buy from you. After all, there is no point in spending weeks or even months negotiating – something quite common in the stages of thecomplex sales process, for example – if that company does not have effective conditions to make a purchase. Qualification is very important because it is also a statistical issue. Studies have already shown that, in modern sales, in general, a typical purchase happens after approaching seven potential customers. Thus, it is essential to find the leads that best fit theideal customer profile before moving on to the next stage of the sales funnel. Do you want to grow your business with the help of B2B experts? Protagnst can help! Get in touch and find out about our solutions. 2. Preparation The second of the 7 stages of the sales process also precedes the approach itself. In other words, you have to do your homework. You have already identified a company that could be a potential customer. You’ve already warmed up that lead, identifying that he has a real chance of being interested in your product or service. The business is indeed promising. That way, you can’t afford not to

Marketing Strategies: Definitive guide

Nowadays, there exist different types of marketing, as well as offline. It depends on your business you can prefer to use offline marketing or only using online marketing. By the way, here goes a spoiler: The ideal is to mix the two types in order to reach as many people as possible! If you’re not convinced or still want to know better about the principals strategies of marketing, stay here. After all, in today’s text, we will explain one of the biggest types of marketing, how they work and its benefits. We’ll begin by the types of online marketing, like digital marketing which includes inbound marketing and outbound marketing. Beside this, we’ll explain how offline marketing works nowadays and if it’s possible to use it. What is Digital Marketing? Digital marketing is a broad term for products of marketing and services using digital technology mainly on the internet but also including smartphones, graphic advertising and any digital medium. The goal of digital marketing is to reach potential customers through the internet with content that is relevant and valuable to them. Techniques of digital marketing, like search engine optimization (SEO), search engine machine (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, social media marketing, e-commerce marketing and mobile advertising, can help the organizations and expand your business online, reaching a more relevant audience with less effort. Why invest in Digital Marketing? Companies are investing in digital marketing to remain competitive, catch up new clients and retain the old ones. There are many benefits of digital marketing such as higher ROI, lower cost and wider reach. Some of the principal benefits of digital marketing is that it has a bigger ROI than the channels of traditional marketing. Digital marketing it’s cheaper than the other traditional channels because it doesn’t require materials or expensive equipment. It’s also easier reaching a specific public with techniques of digital marketing, such as social media advertising. A wide variety of methods can be used for digital marketing, including online brochures, blogs, podcasts and e-commerce. 5 tips for running a successful digital marketing campaign Digital marketing campaigns have become an essential part of modern marketing strategy. Companies that want to remain competitive need to invest in digital marketing. But, not all digital marketing campaigns are successful. Here are 5 tips for running a successful digital marketing campaign: 1) Define your target audience and identify their needs and desires The most important thing in any marketing campaign is understanding your target audience: What they want? What’s their needs? How can your product or service solve their problems? Remember to identify the pain points you’re solving for them, and make sure you address those issues in your campaign copy. 2) Find the right channels to reach your target audience Digital marketing is an excellent way to reach a wide audience, but that won’t happen unless you find the right channels to do so. There are many different forms of digital marketing such as: social media, email marketing and search engine optimization. 3) Create a good content plan The digital age is characterized by an inexhaustible supply of information. The challenge presented by this constant stream of content is how to capture and hold the attention of an audience that has grown accustomed to an influx of digital noise. 4) Optimize your content for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in digital marketing refers to affecting the visibility of a website or a webpage in unpaid search engine results – often referred to as “natural”, “organic” or “earnings” -which are typically displayed in the order that the search engine finds most relevant and useful. To rank well in search engines queries, your website content must be rich in keywords and phrases. Make sure your site is mobile responsive so it performs well on all platforms. Make sure your blog posts are optimized for relevant keywords and your website has plenty of content. 5) Promote your content on social media platforms  You wrote an amazing post, now how are you going to get people to read? One of the best ways is to promote it on digital media platforms. Social media sites provide a space for you to share your content with others and they can share it with their own followers. Digital marketing tools and services you should know This section will talk about digital marketing tools and services you should know about. Tools are important in every industry, but they are especially essential in the digital marketing industry. Digital marketing is a fast-paced industry, which means it is constantly evolving and new tools are being developed every day. This section will introduce some of the most popular tools and services that have been used by many companies around the world. Digital marketing tools and services you should know: 1) Google Analytics: Is an analytics tool that tracks your website traffic data, including where your visitors came from, what they did on your website, how long they stayed on your website, etc. It also provides a variety of reports to help you better understand how your site is performing. 2) Google Adwords: Is an advertising platform that helps you advertise on Google search results. You can analyze how your ads are performing, tweak them for maximum impact, and track the success of different campaign types. 3) Facebook Ads: Is an advertising platform that helps you advertise on your friends and family’s Facebook newsfeed. You can analyze how your ads are performing, tweak them for maximum impact, and track the success of different types of campaigns. 4) BuzzSumo: Allows you to quickly find topics related to a particular topic or keyword. This can help you find content that your audience might be interested in. 5) Google Trends: Lets you discover popular search queries and related topics based on the number of searches performed over the last 12 months. You can also use this tool to identify trending topics that might be worth exploring further. 6) Taboola:  It’s a content discovery platform that

What is call / What is calling? How to schedule a call?

O que é call

Do you know what a call is or, as some prefer, what is calling? With the advancement of technology, however, “making a call” has practically become synonymous with making a video call, a virtual meeting. The pandemic has turned broadcasts into something common and, in the business world, practically an obligation. First of all, let’s just make a parenthesis: in this article, do not confuse “what is calling” in the sense of video or telephone call, with “what is call” in the sense that it is used in transactions on the Stock Exchange Values. These are the same terms, but with very different meanings. Our purpose here is very practical. Let’s present this sales method, which can be used with good return for transactions between companies (B2B). For this, we will show what a call is, some of its techniques and ways to make a calling to close deals. If you need help structuring a good call in your company, count on the help of Protagnst’s sales consultancy. Cold Call If you work in marketing or sales, you’ve certainly heard of cold calling or cold calling. Incidentally, it is likely that you have already made use of this strategy or have already been approached by someone who used it. Cold calling is an old sales technique. It is when the person in charge of this task comes into contact with a consumer or person responsible for the purchasing area of a company to present its product or service. The issue here is that the person receiving the call often does not even know about the existence of such a product or company – or even that he was a potential customer for it. And that’s precisely where the name of the strategy comes from: it’s a cold call, in which the potential customer is approached without him having expressed interest. It’s an active prospecting for you to find your ideal customer profile. Like all sales strategies, cold calling has strengths and weaknesses. Among the disadvantages, one of the main ones is the possibility that the person receiving the call will consider the approach inconvenient – and this has a strong potential to make the company offering the business opportunity equally inconvenient. On the other hand, if done with expertise by the seller or the sales consultant, cold calling has some benefits. One of them is the possibility of having immediate feedback from potential customers. The conversation between the two parties makes it possible to get to know the needs and solutions, clarify doubts and, fundamentally, establish a relationship of trust. Also, with a good dose of persuasion, it is possible to close a deal right then and there. If you want to understand about persuasion and mental triggers for sales, access this article. Another advantage is that a cold call allows you to collect information from what you consider to be a potential customer, which will facilitate future negotiations. After all, knowing him makes it easier to establish strategies and offer a product or service in a more personalized way. Cold call 2.0 Cold calling 2.0 is an evolution of cold calling, but it should be noted right away that it has many differences. And all this by sticking to more advanced methods and strategies. In a traditional cold calling, the salesperson contacts a list of people and initiates a negotiation with the main purpose of scheduling a meeting to present the product or service that the company offers. As we said, one of the disadvantages is that whoever receives the call may find it inconvenient. Another is that the seller can spend hours connecting with people who have no interest, which is a waste of time and money. A cold call 2.0, on the other hand, is more strategic. A specialized sales team first establishes the ideal group to take calls from. Also called ICP (Ideal Customer Profile). Thus, the chance of closing a deal is greater, since you have defined which public is most adherent to your sales solution. In addition, because they are made by a specialized team, the approach is more personalized and the focus is first on developing a relationship of trust. She will be the one to initiate the process that will result in the closing of the deal. In terms of sales strategy, cold calling 2.0 measures results differently. It considers converting leads, not immediate sales. After all, the idea is to create a good relationship and have a permanent customer. Perhaps it is the most used customer prospecting strategy these days and therefore should not be trivialized. It must be built with focus and purpose. Another point to consider is that, by not necessarily seeking an immediate sale, cold calls 2.0 allow for less invasive approaches. Phone calls, emails or WhatsApp messages are shorter and more friendly and encourage interaction. Another big difference is that in traditional cold calling, contact is made to the company’s main number, without having much information about the decision maker. In Cold Call 2.0, the process is initiated mainly through corporate e-mail, which makes the approach much less invasive. Sending an email to a person who holds the ideal position within the company of the size and segment we want to reach is much more assertive than making a call to speak with the secretary and then trying to pass it on to the decision maker. In practical terms, cold calling 2.0 is usually more effective in Business to Business (B2B) business environments, while the use of “traditional” cold calling is more frequent in Business to Consumer (B2C) relationships. Video Conferencing or Video Calling Futuristic and sci-fi movies from the 1980s and 1990s often featured scenes in which characters communicated through video conversations. For the popularization of webcams in the first decade of this millennium turned what filmmakers saw as something otherworldly into something commonplace. From there, technology advanced even faster and video calling became commonplace. And, with the pandemic and the need for social distancing,