Sales pitch: complete guide with concepts and examples

Knowing how to use a sales pitch is increasingly what determines the success of a negotiation. After all, we all have less and less time and need to optimize it as much as possible. The problem, however, is managing to combine a sales approach that is efficient, direct, and non-intrusive all at the same time. […]

Customer acquisition: everything you need to know about the subject

captação de clientes

In this context, a few points must be understood for the acquisition of corporate clients to be successful. With this in mind, we present throughout this article the essential elements to help you acquire more clients and, consequently, boost your company’s results. Enjoy your reading! Keep in Mind the Specifics of the B2B Market Business […]

Social selling: how to increase sales with this strategy?

social selling

Social media is a powerful presence in our daily lives. Even if you don’t have a profile on any of them—but you should at least have one on LinkedIn—you’ve likely landed on a personal profile or company page through a search engine. There’s no way around it: millions of people are on these platforms, so […]

Lifetime value (LTV): essential indicator for SaaS companies

Lifetime Value

Having complete control over all the indicators that, in some way, reflect a company’s financial results is crucial. After all, understanding each metric in depth will help pinpoint bottlenecks and work more effectively to resolve them. One such indicator is **lifetime value**, a concept we’ll cover in this article, and it’s super important. Broadly speaking, […]

Sales Objections: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Subject

Objeções de vendas

Those who work in sales know that, day in and day out, they’ll face a lot of immediate rejections. It’s part of the job. But rejection is especially tough when you start a negotiation, it seems to be developing well, and in the end, it doesn’t materialize because the potential client backs out. When this […]

Pricing strategies: how to be assertive and get the best results?

estratégias de preço

<h1>Setting the Right Price: Pricing Strategies for Your Business</h1> <p>Setting the price of a product or service is a complex exercise that must consider many variables. Although different <strong>pricing strategies</strong> exist, choosing the one that sustains your business requires analyzing different points.</p> <p>Business owners often opt to define the price of their products based on […]

Sales Compensation: Salaries, Commissions and Benefits

benefícios em vendas

In the fast-paced world of sales, compensation plays a crucial role not only in motivating employees but also in attracting and retaining top talent. Have you ever stopped to think about how salaries, commissions, and benefits intertwine to create a compensation package that can transform a team’s performance? In this article, we’ll delve into this […]

How to Sell Digital Marketing Services to Local Businesses

Understanding the Local Market When you decide to venture into the world of local business, understanding your market is crucial. It’s not just about selling more; it’s about connecting with your community. In this guide, you’ll find effective strategies to navigate the local market, leveraging consumer behavior and analyzing your competition strategically. The Importance of […]

Role playing in sales: how to achieve super results with the technique?

role playing

Letting sales teams develop quickly and gain experience is every company’s dream. To achieve this, role-playing in the corporate environment has proven to be a powerful tool. As a dynamic of role-playing and scenario interpretation, sales role-playing fulfills the role of providing this experience to employees but in a controlled environment without compromising relationships with […]