Unique value proposition: why is it important and why have one?

What makes your business different from the competition? If you answered a unique value proposition (Unique Selling Proposition), is a sign that you are on the right path!

However, having a unique sales proposition and not offering a guarantee is not enough. After all, many companies can even bet on a PUV, but not generate the expected result, that is, convince the customer that their business is better than the competitor’s.

Here, then, is the great challenge for marketing and sales: winning over the customer with a good sales promise that guarantees the result of the unique value proposition.

That is, if you promise to deliver much faster than the competition, then this becomes yoursUnique Selling Proposition (USP), and you must maintain this agility, because this becomes associated with the brand identity.

A good example of a unique value proposition is the Head & Shoulders brand. Who does not know the brand of shampoo that promises to eliminate dandruff?

Well, she brought the following phrase in the advertisement in the 60s: “Clinically proven to reduce dandruff” (Clinically proven to reduce dandruff).

It’s not just a sales promise, but a guarantee that the product actually works. And that’s why, if you’ve never done or intend to improve your unique sales proposal, we invite you to continue reading and learn more about the term USP.

What is a unique value proposition (Unique Selling Proposition)?

A unique value proposition, also called a unique selling proposition,Unique Selling Proposition, Unique Selling Point or USP, for its acronym in English, is the term given to a product, service or any detail of the brand that helps to differentiate it from the competition.

The name was created by Rosser Reeves, in the 1940s, to define the promise of sales within the advertising of products and services.

According to him, the unique sales promise should bring a real benefit that no other brand has or claims to have.

In this way, the target audience starts to associate the benefit with the brand and, as a consequence, even buys it.

In short, the unique selling proposition should answer the following question:

What sets you apart from the competition? What makes your company/product/service unique?

Why is it important to have a unique sales proposition in your business?

Before answering this question, we want to know: when you enter the supermarket or visit an online store, what do you consider when you find two or more products of the same type? If they’re equal in supply and price, either one will do, right? Unless one of them has a unique selling proposition.

That unique value proposition could be a promise of service, not necessarily a benefit of the product’s composition: for example, the product always has free shipping, a 5-year warranty, or part of the sales goes to a charity.

That is, the unique selling proposition is not always an exclusive advantage for the customer itself, but it can be a benefit to society as a whole. This also helps the brand to leverage its position in the market by not thinking of people only as customers.

Therefore, having a unique sales proposal is important because you stand out in a competitive environment, bringing a differential that no one else can bring, and nullifying any comparison of prices and products.

Not to mention that, without a good USP (Unique Selling Point), you don’t connect with fans because there’s nothing about your product or service that sets you apart from others to create an identity.

But, before thinking about an exclusive offer, it is essential to fulfill the advertising promise, unless you want to have your sales pitch go down the drain.

Having a well-defined PUV can transform your business. If today you have difficulty selling value, maybe it’s because your audience sees your brand as a commodity and will always buy for price.

If you compete on price and don’t have differentials, you’ll end up losing margin and having an unprofitable company.

To prevent your solution from being easily replaced by the competition, you must think and define a unique value proposition.

If well defined, you stop being compared with the competition and start being compared to yourself.

Do you need to improve your approach results in sales processes? Talk to Protagnst and find out the reasons to hire a company that specializes in B2B prospecting.

Characteristics of a good value proposition

An effective unique value proposition must be very assertive, harmonious, coherent and directed to the public that seeks the values ​​that only your brand can offer.

It must be supported by four categories of value elements, according toBain & Company: social, emotional, functional and life changing impact.

A company can focus only on social impact, like the Peita store, which sells t-shirts with inspiring phrases that give visibility to the female audience. It can also have a functional impact, like Airbnb, which provides cheaper accommodation.

In other words, the characteristics of an effective value proposition go far beyond granting exclusivity. It is important, however, to highlight the differentials that make a person look for your company, and not the competition.

See what these differentiators are then.

Assertiveness and clarity

“We sell the best cheesecake in town”. This is a generic phrase, without impact, since every pastry shop can sell its product as the best in town.

Therefore, it is worth identifying a differentiating point of the product/service in a clear and objective way – and, of course, fulfilling the promise of value.

The sentence above, therefore, could be more or less like this: “We sell the only cheese pastry, with real cheese, straight from Minas”. It is a fun and unique proposal.

See that, by positioning itself as a different pastry shop, the owner manages to bring something that really adds value, leaving aside subjectivities and points that are difficult to prove.

If this pastry shop had an award, which proved that it was the best pastry in the city, state or anywhere else, then the unique value proposition would make sense and would follow with something like: “We sell the best cheese pastry in town according to the Bom Gourmet award”.

Targeting and language

A proposal will only have unique value if it is directed to an audience that considers it relevant. That’s why it’s important to think about your segment’s target audience, since the USP doesn’t always direct the consumer directly to the product, but goes through good brand communication.

An example of this is the chocolate brand Bis, by Lacta, which invests in the young target audience, using cooler and bolder language.

Hitting the ideal audience also helps to reaffirm a unique selling proposition.

An important point to consider is that when defining yourunique selling points, You are toodefining the persona who are more likely to buy your product or service and keeping away “bad buyers”, who are not aligned with your brand positioning.


Being transparent when addressing your unique value proposition is only talking about what your company can offer, nothing more. Sincerity and objectivity should be the focus of your USP when describing how your product/service can take away the persona’s pain.

The more you talk about your qualities in an exaggerated way, the more the consumer will move away, thinking that your brand is far from reality. So promise only what you can deliver.

Simplify. In other words, it’s no use promising the world and delivering a street. The truth is that people are tired of brands that promise a lot and deliver little. Be true and promise what you can deliver.

If you manage to deliver too much, surprise the customer by delivering more than promised.

Warranty / Elimination of risks

Perhaps the biggest fear of an acquisition is the fear of spending money, failing, wasting time and not having your problem solved. If you have an implementation process that really delivers value, providing reassurance can eliminate any initial objections.

Think with me. You want to lose weight. You’ve tried several methods and never succeeded. But this time it landed on a personal sales page, which promises to lose up to 10kg in 2 months or your money back.

He promises that if you follow the premium plan with daily monitoring, do the exercises and follow the diet, you will eliminate at least 10kg in 2 months. If you don’t delete it, it gives you your money back.

The difference is that this program, although online, is much more expensive than any other solution you’ve ever purchased. It costs R$ 10,000.00. But, you never made it there.

You even think about the personal, nutritionist and other methods you tested and never worked. But, in the end, you end up opting for the most expensive program, and installments, since, if it doesn’t work, you can ask for your money back.

See, in this case, you ended up opting for a more expensive product, but one that guarantees results. The psychological price of paying dearly for something is also conditioned by the expectation we have of the result.

A good unique selling proposition eliminates risk and gives the buyer assurance. With that, if it doesn’t work out I can cancel at any time without penalty or even get my money back.

Payment terms

In very competitive markets, it is very difficult for you to differentiate yourself. Often, the B2B customer will be demanding and will be used to buying solutions similar to yours.

But, it may be that the market has pricing practices and payment terms that are the same. If you have the financial strength to do something different, extend a deadline, pay in more installments or even charge in a way that is only successful, you can win several competitions.

See, that a unique value proposition can be focused on the conditions that your company offers. We often focus on the product/service and forget that sometimes contractual conditions can also be a differential.

Implementation process / Facilities

We often imagine that acomplex sales solution be very difficult to implement. When we show potential customers that we have a methodology and process that are simple to understand, they start to respect our deliveries better.

Show the customer how easy it is to hire your solution and you will see that this can bring you peace of mind when closing sales.

A unique sales proposition focused on a streamlined process shows the customer that the plan is solid and works. It eliminates uncertainties and guarantees sales.

What do you do well vs what your customer needs

A good PUV works an intersection between what your client really needs and what you do well. If you still don’t do well, you have a huge opportunity to modify your business model by focusing on what your customer needs.

When we stop thinking about ourselves and look at what the customer really needs, the result is super positive. Thinking about something you already do well or modifying what you still don’t do, but based on your client’s needs can be a great differential in a unique value proposition.


Depending on the solution you deliver, you will run into a deadline issue. Customers want you to deliver fast and that can be a differentiator.

No recruitment and selection market, for example, companies seek agility in hiring. Usually they already have an internal team and hire third parties to speed up this process.

Therefore, if the market standard is to deliver in 7 or 14 days, if you manage to promise and deliver in 3 days, you will have a huge difference in the market.

Whenwe build vending machines for our customers, normally the expectation is to have the process running from 14 days to 1 month. We achieved this speed because we have already implemented many qualified lead generation processes.

What is NOT a unique sales proposition?

Discounts, promotions, low prices and other offers that any other brand can grant, do not constitute a unique selling proposition.

Understand that a unique proposal is exclusive, only you own and deliver the product in the offered condition.

However, these elements can, yes, embody a USP, as long as it is truly a one-time promise and not a seasonal offer.

For example, a store that sells products for up to R$9.99 should only sell products that cost up to that amount. In this sense, the low price is the company’s unique selling proposition.

Likewise, an online store that always offers a free gift for purchases over R$50 is also relying on a unique value proposition.

Another very famous example on the internet is a discount coupon site. At first, it was an exclusive sales proposition, but over time, many sites in the same segment have emerged. So, the idea today, to stand out, is to deliver coupons faster, through a browser extension or application.

In short, even a free shipping strategy can be unique in the sales proposition, if it is well designed.

There was a time when the clothing brand Amaro offered shipping for same-day delivery, if it was within some specific neighborhoods of São Paulo.

They understood that their audience was very concentrated there, that they had stock close to the region, and they offered what seemed to be impossible: same-day delivery.

When you work exclusively, delivering quickly and without errors can be a huge differentiator.

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Famous examples of unique value proposition

The unique selling propositions of famous brands carry the benefit in their own slogan, in such a way that they become their unique and exclusive identity.

But that doesn’t mean that every slogan should bring a value proposition, unless you guarantee the benefit forever, without ceasing to innovate.

Below, we present some examples of Unique Seeling Proposition big brand celebrities.

1. M&M’s

“Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.” (It melts in your mouth, not in your hand).
For decades, since the 1950s, the M&M’s chocolate brand had the promise of a chocolate that didn’t melt in your hands as a unique selling proposition. To prove the benefit, they used a patented sugar crust that favored the safety of the candy during transport.

2. Head & Shoulders

“Clinically proven to reduce dandruff.” (Clinically proven to reduce dandruff).
The discovery that zinc pyrithione was a dandruff-fighting component made Head & Shoulders the #1 dandruff brand. Even the name

Head & Shoulders already identified its promise: to eliminate dandruff from the head and, as a consequence, remove the unpleasant appearance of white spots on the shoulder.

3. Starbucks

“Nurturing the human spirit – one person, one cup of coffee and one community at a time.”
This is the mission of Starbucks, a multinational company with a large network of coffee shops around the world. But offering coffee is not a differential, since many bars do this.

So the brand’s unique selling proposition is to offer a range of coffees with different flavors, in a cozy environment, and to show its mission to connect with people.

4. Airbnb

Airbnb is famous for being an online accommodation company, offering homestay rentals and tourism activities, all at a good price. Therefore, Airbnb’s unique value proposition is about the sharing economy and a sense of community.

5. Facebook

Connect people. You may have already seen this phrase and associated it with Facebook, one of the largest social networks in the world.

Because this is the unique selling proposition of the brand, although we have Twitter with the same idea. Therefore, the importance of renewing yourself. We will talk about this in the next topics.

6. Domino’s Pizza

“You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less – or it’s free.” (You get a fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less – or it’s free).

Tempting proposition, isn’t it? Between 1973 and 1993, Domino’s Pizza became a leader in fast delivery of pizzas, and this was, until then, an exclusive and innovative proposal when it came to delivery.

7. Uber

“Concerned about your safety, wherever you go.”

The concept of Uber is to be an alternative, economical, practical and safe transport to take one or more people to the same place or the same route.

Its PUV is so innovative and with different prices and models of vehicles, that it is difficult for someone to launch something new that surpasses this urban mobility market. People say they are going to “order an Uber”, even when the car is from a competing company with a similar solution.

8. Apple

“Think different”.

It’s just a tagline, but the unique selling proposition runs through the entire Apple brand concept. Competing with the giants of the electronics market, such as Microsoft and Samsung, Apple bet on the shopping experience to stand out in this niche.

In this sense, the company makes its customers feel different every time they buy an Apple product, either through design or through the sensations inside the brand’s store, such as touch and smell.

Not to mention that any complaint, such as a negative response during the satisfaction survey, is quickly dealt with by the manager himself, with the aim of resolving doubts and reversing the problem.

9. Coke

“Open the happiness”.

Despite being a short slogan, it says a lot about one of the biggest soda brands in the world. The idea is that when you open the Coke bottle, you feel happiness.

And that’s far from saying that soda has a beneficial content, because let’s be frank: a carbonated drink, full of sugar and coloring, can’t be good for your health, right? However, Coca-Cola does not sell the image of a nutritious drink.

Rather, the brand’s unique selling proposition is to sell emotion. Who has never felt emotional in a commercial for soda during Christmas season, especially? This brings us back to the strategic elements of the USP, which we’ll look at next.

10. Protagnst

“No cancellation fees or minimum contract term. 30 days notice only”.

In the SDR (Sales Development Representative) allocation service, we do not have any contractual penalty. Only 30 days notice.

Customers stay with us only if they are satisfied.

When we think of an outsourcing service, there are usually large fines, minimum contract time and several other points that influence the success or failure of service provision.

When we thought about this unique value proposition, our focus was on offering a guarantee and letting the customer only stay with us if it really makes sense.

Unique Selling Proposition Strategy: The Importance of Adapting to the Sales Market

Remember we talked about Head & Shoulders being number 1 in the fight against dandruff? Well, of course you’ve heard of many other  brands that follow the same sales proposal, and now it’s no longer unique to be more of the same.

However, the company did not stop at just that sales promise – on the contrary, it renewed itself. It remains the brand that fights dandruff, but over time it has produced a scented anti-dandruff shampoo with even more innovative formulas to eliminate and completely prevent dandruff from returning.

This means that unique sales proposals need to remain unique over time – either gain new aspects, or seek to establish themselves with less material proposals.

This is the case of Coca-Cola, O Boticário, Natura and many others that carry emotion in their advertisements. Your proposals can inspire the customer and convince them to buy from you.

That’s why it’s important to adapt to the sales market, using good marketing strategies and combining it with your USP.

You can, for example, remain the best coffee brand in the world, but now the packages are reusable, environmentally friendly or have a gourmet coffee version, with different flavors.

You can even offer more than one value proposition, as is the case with Starbucks: cozy atmosphere, different coffee flavors and connection with people.

The stages of maturity of a PUV

The unique value proposition, as we have seen, must always adapt to the sales market, after all, everything changes and everyone is looking to offer exclusive value, all the time.

As an example, let’s go back in time and remember the offer of internet in home networks. Until then it was a novelty, but with the passage of time, the advancement of technology and new demands, nobody could – today – consider a PUV like this: “The only service that offers broadband internet for your entire home… and that accompanies you on the street too.”

The only image people will have of your brand is that it’s outdated!

Instead, give your potential customers something exclusive, without leaving your main service aside: for example, “The best internet in Brazil with the best gaming service in the world. Try playing 30 days free”.

Note that, in addition to the free offer mental trigger, there is a unique selling point that is irresistible to game lovers.

This is the phase of maturity of the proposal, since the product/service cycle tends to fall, as competitors start to bring comparable services to the market.

Tips for Renewing a Unique Sales Proposition

When we talk about O Boticário and Natura, the first image we have is of their social and emotional impact, that is, two of the four categories of USP’s strategic elements.

As both brands offer cosmetics, their unique sales proposition rests on how they impact people’s lives. The commercial for O Boticário brings diversity in families, while Natura focuses on nature and its preservation.

Therefore, if you can no longer sell a unique product or service, because everyone is already doing it, you can still invest in social and emotional values ​​as a differentiator.

By the way, this also has to do with lead nurturing. After all, after prospecting and qualifying the lead, it is necessary tonurture qualified leads.

That is, educating the lead so that he becomes a customer – he is already your target audience and has already shown interest in your product. Here, we are taking into account those people who STILL don’t know your reputable brand in the market.

So, when you launch differentiated products, betting on these people’s emotions and within the context of today’s world, you have a chance of nurturing the lead and continuing to keep those customers of yours with you.

Need help prospecting B2B customers? Contact us! Protagnst is the most prepared company to work in B2B sales and will help you prospect customers.

How to create a unique and exclusive sales proposition?

Now we come to the most awaited part of this article: how to create and develop a proposal that is unique and exclusive to sales?

Firstly, you can see that a unique value proposition also depends on the competition, right? More than thinking about people’s needs, it’s important to think about what competitors are doing to renew their proposals and get ahead.

That’s why we developed the best practices in the market to create a unique and incredible sales proposal. Let’s go!

1. Research your competition

The competition is your starting point. It is from there that you discover the positive and negative points of your company, in addition to the guarantees that the competitor offers.

The ideal, in this case, is to make a questionnaire, answering the main key questions, such as:

  • What do competitors do best?
  • What do competitors do the worst?
  • What is their guarantee and what can they not guarantee?

You will be able to have a broad view of your business and where to invest time and money to improve it in front of the public.

2. Define your target audience

Knowing your target audience and their pain points is the best way to create a unique value proposition, linked to knowledge of the competition.

Even if you already have a consolidated company in the market, consider talking to customers to find out why they buy from you and not from other companies.

Also look at demographics, age, gender, and salary range to find out who people (or new people) are interested in your industry.

3. Craft your persona

After defining your target audience, it’s time to create personas for your company.
and you already knowwhat is persona, it is not? They are fictional characters based on real people, including their demographics, ages, genders, fears, pains, needs and hopes.

Having an ideal customer profile within the target audience is of paramount importance to creating a unique value proposition for your business.

4. Think about your business’s main niche

When talking about Porsche we remember speed, Volvo brings us to safety and the Tigre brand is synonymous with quality. After all, what does your brand say about your products/services?

The unique selling proposition always reveals a specific niche about your business. Try to think of some aspects that differentiate what you deliver from your competitors.

5. Discover your customers’ frustrations and your business benefits

If you already have a formed clientele and this is the first time you are going to create a unique value proposition for your company, discover and write down the frustrations of your main customers.

It’s a good time to know what they said about you then and what they say about you now. The answers can help you determine your business’s main benefit.

But whether your business has been in business for a while or is new, find out about your competitors’ customer frustrations too. It’s a great exercise to know which advantage to include in yourUnique Selling Proposition.

6. Review your brand guarantee and your next success guarantee

What guarantees do you have to offer to overcome your customers’ and competitors’ frustrations?

This is the main question that you, in possession of all the clientele information, must ask yourself. If the customer is looking for a product that prevents white stains on black clothes, but cannot find it, it is precisely this guarantee that you need to offer.

However, do not forget that the proposal cannot be limited to promises. Promised, fulfill!

7. Make your unique sales proposition!

Based on these tips, the next step is to create your unique selling proposition. It should be attractive, unique and consistent with your brand.

And, incredible as it may seem, there is a formula ready for you to start and adapt to your business, which is exactly like this:
[power phrase] + [product description] + [primary benefit] + [possibility phrase]

The following unique sales proposals have this structure:

  • “The first soap brand with formulas tested on all skin types and scientifically proven benefits”;
  • “The only delivery service that guarantees the receipt of the product within 24 hours, even on rainy days”.

These proposals can be between 20 to 35 words, but they need to have the power to convince. A unique value proposition in a nutshell reaffirms a company’s values ​​and mission.

As people are increasingly consuming digital information, it is very important to think of a short and quick promise of value, but without neglecting to develop a greater proposal to accompany it.

After all, when and where to use the unique value proposition?

Normally in consultative sales, you have many touch points and the use of the unique value proposition can be at various times. More important than knowing where to use it is understanding why to use it.

A good PUV allows the seller to work with the certainty that he is delivering something different from the competition. And that turns out to be a good sales pitch.

Therefore, it is important to communicate the Unique Selling Proposition, but not to do something too forced, as it cannot be your only sales argument. Below are some examples of when and where to use:

  • Proposal and proposal submission
  • Website – communicate on the home page and on services/products pages
  • Cold Call – cold calling
  • Pre-sales
  • During lead qualification
  • In B2B lead generation
  • During the complex sales process

See, which you can use during various sales moments. Just be careful not to focus only on that, so as not to seem boring and unreasonable during the sale, as the repetition of the same arguments too much can make your unique value proposition not bring the expected result.

More examples ofunique selling propositions

Below, we bring you some more examples of unique sales proposals so you can become an expert in the art of winning over customers:

“The only design pack with more than 1 million templates for Photoshop and Corel Draw, which even non-experts will know how to use”;

“The best and only electronic magazine on Stock Exchange quotation written by the greatest ex-traders of Wall Street”;

“The only company that guarantees support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, directly on WhatsApp, with real attendants”.

Gradually, you adapt your unique sales proposition, update your offer and win more customers. Remember that this is not an easy task, but the sooner you define your Unique Selling Proposition, better!