Role playing in sales: how to achieve super results with the technique?

Letting sales teams develop quickly and gain experience is every company’s dream. To achieve this, role-playing in the corporate environment has proven to be a powerful tool.
As a dynamic of role-playing and scenario interpretation, sales role-playing fulfills the role of providing this experience to employees but in a controlled environment without compromising relationships with real customers.

This makes this technique ideal for training and observation, as we will see throughout the text.

What is role-playing?

First, it is crucial to understand what role-playing is, this technique that is not exactly new, but only in recent years has been gaining significant space within companies.

Role-playing is nothing more than a kind of acting. In this dynamic, each member takes on one or more roles to play, and the scenes unfold naturally based on each person’s particularities and the interaction between them.

So, imagine role-playing as an improv theater because that’s basically what it is.

Therefore, each role-playing participant will have to play a character in a specific scenario. These roles, in our case, will mainly be those of salesperson and customer.

The role-playing technique is widely used in training and development for sales and negotiation teams. It consists of simulating real sales, negotiation, or customer service situations, where participants assume specific roles, such as salesperson and customer, and interact according to those roles.

Both characters and scenarios, for the purposes of training and development of sales teams, must be previously established.

This is because, despite the spontaneous, improvisational, and free-form characteristic of role-playing, some pillars and information from the scene must be known in order for the practice to yield objective and meaningful results.

This technique is very effective for training communication, argumentation, persuasion, and empathy skills of sales professionals, allowing them to experience different scenarios and learn in practice how to handle objections, overcome adverse situations and close deals efficiently.

Also, role-playing also helps to increase the confidence of the sales team, as employees have the opportunity to practice their skills in a controlled environment and receive constructive feedback from supervisors and colleagues.

In the business context, this technique can be applied not only to train commercial teams but also to simulate complex negotiation processes, sales presentations for important clients, among other situations that require preparation and resourcefulness from professionals.

Finally, even though theater is the main origin of role-playing, it is necessary to emphasize that no one needs to know how to act, do different voices, physically characterize themselves or have theatrical experience to participate.

Throughout the practice meetings, each participant will become more familiar and more comfortable to participate. This gives the role-playing technique an evolution in positive feedback, where each interaction will make the next one better and more efficient.


What does Role Play mean?

Role Play is a technique frequently used in business training, sales, and related areas, where participants take on predefined roles to simulate real-life situations that may occur on a daily basis. This practice is very common in consultative selling training, sales techniques, negotiation, and skills development in business administration, business management, and leadership.
Role Play allows participants to experience different scenarios and practice their skills in communication, persuasion, negotiation, and problem-solving in a controlled environment. Additionally, this technique can also be used to simulate customer interactions in B2B sales and help improve sales team performance.

Through Role Play, it is possible to identify strengths and areas for improvement in each participant, promoting professional development and contributing to increased productivity, profitability, and effectiveness in sales and commercial activities as a whole.

What is Role Playing for training?

Role-Playing in education is a learning technique that simulates real-life situations in business, sales, commercial areas, consultative selling, sales techniques, negotiation, business administration, business management, leadership, process automation, productivity gains, profitability, B2B sales so that participants can practice and develop their skills.

In this method, participants take on different roles, such as salesperson and customer, and interact in a controlled environment, allowing them to experience common challenges and situations of daily professional life. Role-Playing helps to improve communication, strategic thinking, negotiation skills, and empathy, and provides a safe environment to make mistakes and learn from them.

In the business context, Role-Playing can be used to train sales teams, develop negotiation techniques, simulate leadership scenarios, practice approaching customers in consultative sales, among other applications aimed at improving the skills of professionals and increasing effectiveness in commercial interactions.

Role-Playing: An Innovative Strategy to Drive B2B Sales

Role-Playing is an innovative strategy that has proven extremely effective in boosting B2B sales. This approach involves simulating negotiation and sales situations, allowing professionals to practice different scenarios and improve their skills in a practical and dynamic way.

With Role-Playing, it is possible to develop consultative selling techniques, improve negotiation skills, and improve communication with customers. Additionally, this strategy contributes to leadership development by assisting in the management of sales teams and strategic decision-making.

By incorporating Role-Playing into business management practices, organizations can optimize processes, increase productivity, and consequently, boost profitability. This methodology allows companies to identify opportunities for improvement, adjust their business strategies and achieve more expressive results in the B2B market.

In an increasingly competitive business scenario, investing in innovative strategies such as Role-Playing can be the differential that companies need to stand out and conquer a prominent position in the market. By simulating real sales situations, sales teams can prepare to face challenges and overcome obstacles with greater confidence and efficiency.

Why use role-playing in sales?

In companies, sales teams are among those that have the most direct contact with the public. Because they are constantly talking to and dealing with different clients, the situations in which salespeople and representatives find themselves are extremely varied.

When we talk about outbound marketing, having the confidence to deal consciously with all kinds of situations is essential for sales teams.

Therefore, preparing salespeople so that they can act calmly and objectively is essential. This is where role-playing comes in handy!

It is during role-playing practice that we can create complex and specific scenarios to give salespeople and other employees the opportunity to act. During this exercise, it is possible to put learned techniques into practice, face challenging clients and real-life situations.

All this in a controlled and consequence-free environment, ideal for learning. With the possibility of knowledge sharing and feedback, this dynamic gains a lot of power.

Also, since during the exercise, employees will take on the role of the customer on certain occasions, role-playing is also essential for salespeople to put themselves in the customer’s shoes.

This way, salespeople can understand the pains of potential leads, increase connection with them, and develop the team’s empathy for customers.

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What is role-playing for?

Role-playing is a technique widely used in the training and development of sales teams, especially in the context of consultative selling and negotiation. Through role-playing, salespeople have the opportunity to simulate real-life sales situations and interactions with customers, improving their skills, and testing different approaches.
During role-playing, participants assume different roles, such as salesperson and customer, and act out pre-determined scenarios. This allows them to practice the application of sales techniques, value proposition, active listening, overcoming objections, and closing deals.

Additionally, role-playing also contributes to the development of leadership and business management, as managers can observe the performance of their teams, identify areas for improvement, and provide constructive feedback.

In the context of B2B sales, role-playing is a valuable tool for preparing salespeople to deal with corporate clients, understand their specific needs, customize sales approaches, and build long-term relationships based on trust and credibility.

In summary, role-playing is an effective strategy for empowering sales teams, improving professional skills, and increasing the productivity and profitability of companies.

Planning the role play

Now that you know what role-playing is and how it can be useful for the development of a sales team, let’s understand a little more about how exactly to apply it within the company.
Like any exercise and dynamic, planning is essential and must be the first step to be taken.

Gather those responsible for execution so that everyone is on the same page about how the role-playing session will be conducted. This will avoid unnecessary conflicts and confusion during the process.

After that, follow the steps below to understand how to do role-playing within your company.

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Choosing themes

As we have seen, role-playing is a technique that involves a lot of improvisation. However, this does not mean that everything should be left to chance.
Always plan the themes of each role-playing session in advance. This allows you to better select scenarios and develop the roles you will assign to participants.

With a specific theme in mind, it is possible to create a more cohesive dynamic that reinforces key aspects of the daily life of the sales team.

Also, it will greatly facilitate the absorption of content by participants, as they will always be on the same page and will be able to make associations between closer situations.

Themes can be defined in advance, with a list of scenarios for the next X sessions already established, for example.

Take into account the time of year they are in and the seasonality of the types of customers that the sales teams will be dealing with. After the session, everyone will be more prepared for the specific challenges ahead.

Even so, make room for suggestions for themes or changes to the calendar when necessary.

Define the frequency and duration of sessions

Another basic step is to establish in advance the day, time, and duration of each role-playing session.
You can’t overestimate the importance of this. It doesn’t matter if it happens once a week or twice a month, all participants need to be aware of the days and times of the sessions in advance.

This information will help maintain engagement by allowing everyone to plan with this in mind. Possible absences can be announced in advance and any changes to the calendar due to unforeseen circumstances or force majeure will be communicated in advance.

Likewise, it is important to know the duration of each session. Not only to set expectations and help with team and individual planning for each participant, but also to help conduct the session and its mediation.

Also, define how the meetings will be conducted. They can be done by videoconference to make everything easier, more practical, and safer, for example. If the location of your company allows for personal meetings, conduct the dynamic in a pleasant and spacious place that offers comfort to everyone.

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Select facilitators

Facilitators are those people who will help during the dynamic so that it takes place smoothly and fluidly.
These can be team leaders or more experienced employees. The important thing is that they are people who have a certain amount of knowledge to help in different situations and good resourcefulness to deal with employees.

Facilitators will be responsible for distributing the roles to be played and monitoring the session to answer questions and guide the experience.

In the end, facilitators will be responsible for initiating the sharing of experiences and feedback.

Establish the dynamics of the exercise

This step means defining how the session will be in practice.
It is important to prepare in advance the scenarios and roles that will be passed on to the participants and choose how these will be executed.

You can, for example, form pairs so that members play the roles of salesperson and customer. Or, trios, with an observer or in a situation that involves meetings between more than one client or more than one sales consultant.

It is possible, then, to reverse roles so that everyone has the experience of both sides. Plan whether all pairs or trios play the same scenario or different situations.

Get to know the participants and prepare different scenarios so that each employee faces challenges and unusual situations, where they will need to put what they have learned into practice.

On the other hand, have at hand situations that reinforce skills to empower employees and further refine already mastered techniques.

Finally, for a more enriching experience, allow integration between different teams – not only from the sales area but also from others. This multidisciplinarity within the company allows for the rapid evolution of teams and has proven to be an indispensable aspect for modern organizations.

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Feedback format

At the end of each session, take some time to share what was observed. This feedback time allows different experiences to be put on the table and discussed.
This not only reinforces the theme of the session and makes everything more cohesive in the mind but also serves for leaders and facilitators to highlight techniques and situations to which they want to draw more attention.

Individual feedback should be considered carefully. This is because each person has specific limits and may not be comfortable with more exposure. At this time, work with empathy and sensitivity.

It is also important to take advantage of this time to receive feedback from participants. This will help in the evolution of those who plan the role-playing sessions and in the choice of future themes and scenarios.

Another point to be considered during this takeaway phase is the suggestion of readings, videos, courses, and other media that contain lessons on the topic worked on. Not only by the facilitators but also by the participants.

In this way, everyone can feel free to speak up and convey their own opinions and knowledge with colleagues. After all, collective learning is the main objective of this dynamic.

Best practices for the role-playing session

As with any learning-focused dynamic, it’s important to keep in mind some practices to ensure a pleasant and constructive experience.
Role-playing is a very specific and challenging technique. It requires a certain level of immersion and detachment from the participants, which can make many feel apprehensive at first.

Despite this, it is quickly possible to build confidence and show how valuable role-playing sessions are from a professional development point of view – despite their playful and, in a way, playful side.

Among the practices and care to be taken to ensure maximum use of role-playing sessions in your company, we can mention those listed below as the main ones.

Have clear goals

Without a starting point and an ending point, it is impossible to guarantee a complete experience for the role-playing participants.
The start is the choice of theme and the development of the roles and scenarios to be worked on. The arrival is the lessons you want to reinforce with a given session.

In both cases, having the objectives pre-established and clear to everyone will make everything easier.

As mentioned when talking about the theme of each session, it is important to maintain this cohesion of the dynamic to allow easy absorption of the lessons and the establishment of correlations between situations.

During the creation of the dynamic by leaders and facilitators, the objective to be achieved will be the guide in developing the scenarios.

If everyone understands that, for example, the goal today is to work on upselling and cross-selling in your sales team, it is possible to create customer roles that offer resistance in these areas and train specific sales techniques for them.

On the other hand, the goals don’t have to be that specific. It is possible to build sessions in which we will seek to develop personal skills, regardless of the technique or situation, such as empathy, tone of voice, or other aspects of the daily life of a sales team.

Allow familiarity with roles

After assigning roles to the participants in the dynamic, give everyone a few minutes to study and familiarize themselves.
This part is important to ensure a more realistic performance and, thus, exhibit and develop more solid skills.

In the first role-playing sessions, this part will probably be the biggest challenge faced by employees. After all, not everyone will have experience or ease in putting themselves in a role and acting like it.

Keep this in mind and allow time so that, throughout the sessions, everyone develops and feels more comfortable and confident in acting with what they have received.

Make it clear that there is no need to do different voices or act like a full theatrical play. The goal is not to train actors, after all. As long as the role is incorporated more or less realistically and builds the proposed challenge, that’s enough.

Likewise, deliver solid and simple roles to each. The persona of a client, for example, is a great briefing for those who will play the client. The more focused the features, the better.

With the essentials in hand, let improvisation take over and situations unfold according to the scenario.

Develop the scenery

Speaking of which, we can say that just as important as the roles to be played is the situation in which they are inserted.
A client and a salesperson do not exist in a vacuum. As much as they have their personality goals in the constructed scene, everything needs a context to be realistic and really have the effect we expect.

Therefore, together with the roles, also try to deliver a complete situation in which they are, that is, the scenario.

A scenario is, for example, the financial condition of this specific client’s company, which is seeking a discount on the services offered by your company.

It doesn’t have to be anything super developed. But, having a little more information to work with, the employee acting as a customer will be able to deliver more realistic answers to the salesperson of the moment, who will be able to do a job more consistent with reality.

All of this will contribute to the emergence of situations that seem alive and the development of real skills.


Create a safe environment

As with any interaction in the professional and personal environment, it is extremely important to make everyone feel comfortable.
This starts from the planning of the activities to be carried out, the roles and scenarios developed, to possible interventions during the session and also how to convey opinions and feedback.

Help the shyest to let loose and don’t force anyone into situations that are uncomfortable.

For this, it is important to know the employees and their particularities.

Also, it takes a lot of sensitivity on the part of everyone to deal with specific issues and how to develop the scenes during the interpretation.

Remember to never let things get out of hand and also don’t be afraid to address taboos when the need arises.

A transparent company that takes care of its employees is a successful company.

Share experiences

Last but not least, have open channels for sharing experiences by all parties involved.
In a company, it is essential that every employee feels comfortable expressing opinions and, above all, being heard.

Everyone has knowledge to share. Everyone can contribute to the evolution of all. This forms more united teams that deliver better results.

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Benefits of role-playing

Every development strategy applied within the company must bring real results. Fortunately, role-playing has many positive aspects for the personnel involved. Let’s look at some of its advantages below.

Skill training

Don’t be fooled by the naivety of role-playing. This tool is extremely powerful for developing practical skills.
This is not difficult to imagine since we put employees in real and challenging everyday situations, however simulated.

This allows the teams responsible for training to work on specific aspects in each session and allow a very rapid evolution of each employee’s skills.

This simulation feature is ideal for teams such as sales, which take the field and face a myriad of challenges daily. It is difficult to work with this unpredictability during traditional training.

With well-constructed role-playing sessions over the weeks and months, employees will become more experienced and will have a wide range of technical backgrounds.

Also, because it is a dynamic that involves many people, there is naturally an improvement in interpersonal skills. Salespeople who communicate and express themselves better and more objectively are always better employees – and for that role-playing contributes greatly.

Integration between employees

Having a company that works in unison is a great differentiator for delivering good results.
For this, role-playing also contributes a lot. It puts employees face-to-face, talking to each other, and sharing experiences and knowledge.

What builds better relationships than that?

The more sessions you run, the more relationships will evolve, contributing to a more pleasant climate in the company as a whole.

Engagement between teams

The same that occurs on a personal level will also be observed between teams.
When applying role-playing, look for opportunities to put multiple teams together in the exercise. Or, at least, bring members from other teams as “special participations”.

This will contribute to the organizational climate of the company, integration between teams, and the perception of the work done by other parts of the company.

Thus, hopefully, the general objectives will be seen as everyone’s and pursued diligently by the multiple teams that make up the company.


Refinement of methods

Finally, as with many internal processes, repetition leads to perfection.
Role-playing sessions will become increasingly constructive and refined over time. Employees will become more participatory and situations will be interpreted more and more perfectly.

All of this will make the experience more enriching and relevant.

Also, role-playing allows for a practical and critical observation of the effectiveness of training and courses offered by the company and partners. The situations that unfold during the sessions will show what employees actually absorb and what goes unnoticed.

Likewise, it is also possible to observe in practice the methods used by the company in different situations, which can go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

This will allow those responsible to improve and develop techniques and approaches that are more consistent with the reality and capabilities of the teams formed.

How can role-playing be used to train sales teams?

Role-playing can be used to train sales teams by simulating real-life sales scenarios, allowing salespeople to practice sales techniques, negotiation, and customer approaches in a more dynamic and interactive way. This helps develop salespeople’s skills, improve communication, and handle objections, contributing to increased sales team effectiveness and performance.

How can role-playing help improve employees’ negotiation skills?

Role-playing can help improve employees’ negotiation skills because it provides a simulated environment that allows them to practice and develop negotiation techniques, effective communication, and persuasion skills in a practical way. In addition, role-playing training helps employees handle real-life situations more confidently and assertively, preparing them for different negotiation scenarios.

How can role-playing be applied in the context of business management and leadership?

Role-playing can be applied in the context of business management and leadership to train and develop communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills among employees. Through the simulation of real-life situations, participants can experience different scenarios and improve their leadership, decision-making, and teamwork skills.

How can role-playing help increase the profitability of B2B sales?

Role-playing can help increase the profitability of B2B sales by allowing salespeople to practice and enhance their negotiation, communication, and persuasion skills in simulated settings, which better prepares them to handle real-life sales situations, increasing chances of closing deals and achieving better financial results.

What are the best practices for implementing and getting the most out of role-playing in business strategies?

One of the best practices for implementing and getting the most out of role-playing in business strategies is to ensure simulations are realistic and relevant to the real-life situations faced by sales professionals. This helps to develop practical skills in communication, negotiation, and problem-solving.

Additionally, it’s important to provide constructive feedback and encourage self-assessment after each role-playing session to promote learning and continuous improvement. Integrating role-playing consistently into sales team training and daily practices is also essential for effective and lasting results.

In a highly competitive and constantly changing market, it is essential that companies are always looking for innovations and differentiated strategies to stand out. Rolling playing emerges as a powerful tool to develop leadership, negotiation, and communication skills, fundamental for success in the business world. Through the simulation of real situations, employees can improve their consultative selling techniques and improve business management, thus increasing the efficiency and productivity of the team.

Protagnst, with its expertise in consulting and commercial outsourcing, can be your ally in this process of development and growth. With customized solutions focused on the specific needs of each client, our company offers support for implementing rolling playing strategies and other training tools, aiming at the continuous improvement of results and the maximization of profitability in the B2B sales environment.

Therefore, be sure to invest in training your team and adopting innovative practices such as rolling playing, as these are the keys to the success and sustainability of your business in an increasingly challenging scenario.

Hire Protagnst to implement Role Playing in your company

As an integration and training dynamic, role-playing proves to be a very powerful tool in the development of increasingly qualified sales teams.
Its simulation characteristic allows the practical application of methods and techniques for lead prospecting, customer success, troubleshooting and other real situations that the sales sector will encounter.

Also, it is a perfect observation window for the parts of the company responsible for the development of training, methods, and techniques. The controlled environments created by the proposed scenarios are great testing grounds for what these sectors create before field application.

Try using role-playing with the sales team at your company and see the benefits it can bring to your staff. And if you need help capturing more B2B leads for your business, consider requesting a quote from Protagnst. Just fill out the form below.

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